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Educating the farmers, with a focus on Environment Friendly Practices

ACI has undertaken extensive programs to educate crop farmers all over rural Bangladesh in Good Agricultural Practices. We have a team of agricultural experts working at the field level all across the country, holding a range of technical trainings and field demonstrations. Their activities include

  • Field demonstrations on various methods of crop protection, that pose the least hazard for the environment
  • Training on new technologies of cultivation, for higher yields and new crops
  • Training to channel partners (e.g. retailers and agricultural extension workers) and third parties (e.g. NGO workers)

ACI also has similar education programs for animal and poultry farmers. These include

  • Technical trainings on diverse aspects of farming, and on application of new technologies
  • Farmers' group meeting for sharing of learning and experience
  • Free visits to farms by veterinarians, to identify problems and give advices to individual farmers

Our farmers are mostly illiterate having learnt the art and science of farming by assisting their family on the fields. Our continuous endeavors to educate farmers have given significant benefits on three fronts:

  • Raising the level of awareness among farmers on improving their agricultural output through application of new technology, encouraging them to share experiences with neighboring farmers and, in the long run, developing educated farmers.
  • Raising the educational level and technical knowledge of channel partners and third parties who act as advisors to the farmers.
  • Most importantly, making the farmers aware of ways to protect the environment from hazardous uses of chemicals on their farms, allowing them the opportunity for informed decision-making.

ACI hopes to continue to play a leading role in promoting greater environmental responsibility among farmers in Bangladesh.